way2go! 5, Schulbuch

126 PROGRESS CHECK Progress check 03 Before you do the tasks, look back over the work you’ve done so far. How do you think you’re getting on? Make a mark on the line that shows where you see yourself. Then do the tasks. Don’t forget to check your answers with the key on p. 192 afterwards! !! READING B1 I can find relevant information in a straightforward text on a familiar topic. Read the text about handball in Rio de Janeiro, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1–5. Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. READING 1 Sports as a way to improve your life RIO DE JANEIRO – Across the city from the Olympic Park, in a community sports center, a group of teenage girls has arrived to play hand- ball. They want to play handball. They need to play handball. Some have traveled 1.5 hours by bus to get to this old, broken center, and they take it seriously. What would their lives be like without handball? What’s it like for the girls in their neigh- borhoods who don’t play sports? “They’re all pregnant,” said Helen Téofilo, 16, who lives in Cidade de Deus, or City of God, one of Rio’s most violent living areas. It is extremely difficult for a girl who plays sports in Brazil, where many still believe athletics are for boys and men. People often bully the girls and say that playing sports will turn them into lesbians. That men- tality is not a surprise: From 1941 to 1979, girls and women here were not allowed to play soccer. While there has been progress since then, playing sports is quite a hard thing to achieve for girls and women in Brazil. “People still think that if you do sports, you’re not a real girl,” Santos said. “Girls are supposed to sit at home and take care of the house, or that girls aren’t strong enough for sports.” Santos’ father recently left his job, so now she and other family members need to earn money. Her mother cleans houses, leaving at 3 a.m. and returning at 9 p.m. Other members of her family work in a grocery store and have said it is time for her to work there, too. “But I tell them, ‘No, I don’t want to work in the grocery store! I want more than that.’” All the girls are here because they want more. It helps that the International Olympic Committee has recognized that need. The girls’ handball train- ing is part of a program called ‘One Win Leads to Another’. That is why these girls, and about 400 girls from around the city, gather twice a week to discuss problems and to practice their sports. The goal of the program is to get more Brazilian girls to play sports, and to stay in sports. Already, the program has been very helpful for these hand- ball girls. They all have scholarships to private schools, which is the only way for them to get a proper education. Playing sports has already changed their lives. It keeps them in school. It fills their minds with positive thoughts. “Someday, we want to be in the Olympics,” they say. Now that’s a real dream. 0 The community sports centre is A located near the Olympic Park. B far from the Olympic Park. C new and has lots of equipment. D in the dangerous part of Rio de Janeiro. 1 Many teenage girls living in the area A are starting a family. B are extremely interested in sports. C are not allowed to play. D think doing sports is too hard. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Ve lags öbv