way2go! 5, Schulbuch

123 4 frivolous: anstößig, nicht salonfähig 5 gambling: Glücksspiel 6 to broaden one’s horizons: seinen Horizont erweitern Why don’t you show your blog post to some of your classmates and ask them to comment on it?  You could put up everyone’s blog posts in your classroom. Then walk around reading and adding comments to them.  You could ask your classmates to give you feedback on your blog post. 26 By the way: The Grand Tour Can you imagine going on holiday for two years? Or even four years? Around 300 years ago, it became fashionable for rich young men and women to spend two to four years travelling around Europe to learn about language, architecture, geography and culture in an experience known as ‘The Grand Tour’. The Grand Tour usually started in London, and from there travellers first went to Paris. The trip from Dover in England to Paris took three days. (Nowadays you can do it in less than three hours!) The Grand Tourists were most interested in visiting the cities that were seen as the major centres of culture at the time. Paris, Rome and Venice were not to be missed. The Grand Tourists would travel from city to city, usually spending weeks in smaller places and up to several months in the three key cities. Paris was definitely the most popular city, and from there tourists would cross the Alps or take a boat on the Mediterranean Sea to Italy. Other locations included Spain and Portugal, Germany, Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic. While the goal of The Grand Tour was educational, a great deal of time was spent in more frivolous 4 activities, such as drinking and gambling 5 . The journals and sketch books that were supposed to be completed during the tour were often left quite blank! Where would you go if you went on a Grand Tour? What do many young people do today after graduating from school to ‘broaden their horizons 6 ’? Strategies box Remember this when giving feedback: 1 Start by pointing out at least one thing you like about the text: It’s a great idea to write about this. I really liked the way you described your holiday. I can understand everything you wrote. What a recommendation! I’d also like to go there. 2 Then say something the author could do better: I’m having problems reading your handwriting. I’m not sure what you want to say in the last paragraph. Could you say it more clearly? I think your text would be easier to read if it was in paragraphs. I don’t think your recommendation is strong enough. I can’t see a reason why I should go there. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv