way2go! 5, Schulbuch

122 Unit 09 | Out and about Read the following blog post about a holiday experience. What is the author trying to do in each of the paragraphs? READING 23 Writing a blog post Study the blog post above and the one on p. 52. How are they different from emails or blog comments? Think about the audience and purpose of the texts and how that shows in the writing. Read the statements below and tick the ones that you think are true of a blog post. STRATEGIES 24 a M p. 53 b Claudia_Long Hobbit spotting in New Zealand – the holiday of a lifetime! I’ve just been on an awesome trip to New Zealand and almost came face to face with a hobbit! I visited both the North and South Island and went whale watching. We saw humpback whales and loads of dolphins. Amazing! And, guess what? The coolest part was visiting Hobbiton, where the Lord of the Rings films were set. You can even look into a couple of hobbit holes! I especially loved New Zealand because there’s so much variety there. There are unbelievable beaches with miles of golden sand as well as mountains with glaciers. Did you know you can swim and ski on the same day? Can you imagine that? There are some crazy place names too like Matamata and Kawakawa. Hilarious! I guess I must have got you interested. You really have to take a trip there. Such nice people – they’ll chat to you like old friends, even if they’ve just met you. There are lots of take-away food places, especially Asian food, and lots of ice-cream parlours where you can cool off when it’s warm. New Zealand isn’t just for hobbit fans like me, it’s really got something for everyone. Don’t you want to go there? reply Now write your first blog post: You have just come back from an exciting holiday in/at/on … (choose an unusual place). You have decided to write a blog post about your experiences. In your blog post you should:  describe your holiday  say why you liked it  recommend it to other bloggers Write around 200 words. Give your blog post a title.  See Writing coach, Blog post , pp. 172/173. WRITING 25 Examples of unusual places:  Spanish cave houses  the middle of the Sahara  the jungle  the South Pole  Mount Everest  the Moon 1  You must write a greeting. 2  You need a catchy title. 3  You may invite other bloggers to comment. 4  You have to use formal language. 5  You want to inform other bloggers about something. 6  You may address the reader directly. 7  You give your user name. 8  You start with I enjoyed reading your blog . 9  You could ask bloggers for advice. 10  You can only use the past tense. 11  You could make suggestions and recommendations. 12  You may express your opinion or write about an adventure, a trip, an experience … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv