way2go! 5, Schulbuch

121 Anne-Marie goes north, her vacation went south “Last year, my family went on a vacation in Maine. We were checking into a hotel and it was pretty late, so they gave my father the room key and he went up to open the room. When he opened the door, he found two girls huddled in the back of the room! They were terrified because they thought my father was breaking in. Turned out that someone who worked at the hotel had given the girls the room as a freebie. Instead of kicking the girls out, they put us in another room that was really small, with one double bed and a single cot (we are a family of four). But as soon as we settled in, the fire alarm went off. The alarm went off for hours before I was finally able to get some sleep … on the floor.” So when you’re having a dreadful vacation and you think things couldn’t POSSIBLY get worse, just remember these comforting tales and think, “at least that didn’t happen to me.” More importantly, remember that even the most horrific mishap eventually makes for a wonderfully comical story. Think you can top these vacation horror stories? Share your travel terror tale with us by leaving a comment below! 0 Travel stories everyone likes to hear . are the horror stories 1 Ben was going to Israel with . 2 On a beach in Israel most of the teenagers . 3 Allie’s home was untidy because . 4 Airport security stopped Allie, which is why she . 5 In the family’s first hotel room . 6 Anne-Marie didn’t sleep much that night because . Which variety of English are the stories in? Which words are used for the following British English expressions? extremely good  travelling  holiday  utility knife  mobile phone  to go wrong  camp bed Do you have your own travel terror tale to tell? 1 Think about what you could say. You can tell a true story or make one up. 2 Prepare some notes, in a word map or as keywords. 3 Practise telling your tale with a partner and get some feedback. 4 Tell your story to the rest of the class.  See p. 23 for tips on storytelling. 20 SPEAKING 21 Imagine you are a journalist for a youth magazine. You have just heard one of the travel terror tales. You would like to interview the person it happened to. Write down questions you would like to ask him/her. WRITING 22 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Ei entum des Verlags öbv