way2go! 5, Schulbuch

120 Unit 09 | Out and about How was it? Holiday experiences Think about what could go wrong in the following situations. Make notes. 1 You’re going for a swim in the sea. 2 You’re going through security at an airport. 3 You’re checking into a hotel late at night. Compare your ideas with a partner. Then read the holiday stories below. Are any of your ideas mentioned? Read the stories again. Complete the sentences (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. READING 18 a b 19 Traveling is awesome. Whether you’re hitting the road for a cross-country trip or leaving on a jet plane for far-away lands, something about traveling makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. Here’s the funny thing. I don’t want to hear about your perfect trip to Paris. What I love – what ALL people love — are the horror stories. That’s why, for your entertainment and education, I’ve compiled the top 3 stories of travel gone wrong as told (and experienced) by some of my poor dear traveling comrades. Enjoy! Ben and the unlikely beasts 2 “One summer, I went on a youth group trip to Israel. A bunch of us who had never met before were traveling on a big bus together. One day, in Northern Israel, the bus stopped at a beach to take a break. Just as we got down to the water, a big wave came in … and brought with it oodles of 3 jellyfish. One big blueish-purple jellyfish slapped a boy right across the chest as the wave crashed into him. Almost everyone got stung. As it turned out, the jellyfish weren’t poisonous, but their stings burned and itched unbelievably.” Allie’s first time flying alone “I had a softball tournament in Virginia Beach when I was in high school. The team was flying down, but we had to book separate flights. As usual, I didn’t plan ahead, so I spent the night before my 5-a.m. flight packing. My family was in the process of moving and everything was kind of a mess, so I grabbed a random bag from one of the moving boxes. The next morning at the airport, I put my carry-on bag on the conveyor belt and stepped through the gate … and security pulled me quickly out of line. Somehow, a box cutter had wound up in the bag. At 5 a.m. I had to call my mother on my cell phone for help. After several hours, I was declared not a threat. But I missed the flight.” 2 unlikely beasts: unerwartete (Meeres-)Ungeheuer 3 oodles of …: Unmengen an … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv