way2go! 5, Schulbuch

12 UniT 01 | Old friends and new friends Write a paragraph about your best friend. What is special about him/her? What makes him/her a good friend? Use some of the phrasal verbs from exercise 4 in your paragraph. You could start like this: My best friend is called … He/She’s my best friend because he/she can … / … doesn’t … / … is always … WRITING 7 Answers to the quiz: 4 to 6 points Your friendship skills need major repair! You may think of yourself as a good friend, but you certainly don’t act like one. You should be there for your friends more and put their needs before your own! 7 to 9 points You may love your friends, but you don’t always show it. You don’t always go out of your way for them. But if you want to maintain a strong relationship, you have to be supportive – even if it means doing something that doesn’t always interest you. 10 to 12 points You put the ‘best’ into ‘best friend’! You totally know what it means to be a true friend. You are always there to support your friends and you do thoughtful things to show you care for them. Everyone would like to be your friend. You keep your promises and never tell a secret. Are you sure you answered all the questions honestly? Before you read the excerpt from a novel in 8b, complete the table below. Write at least one sentence for each question. Then work in pairs and compare your answers. Questions Yes No Why (not)? Who? Where? When? What? 1 Do you have a really close friend? x His name is Noah. 2 Does your friend know all your secrets? x I don’t tell my secrets to ANYONE! 3 Have you ever been away from your family for a longer period of time? 4 Do you mind being away from your family? 5 Have you ever been on an island? 6 Did you like it there? 7 Have you ever been in danger? 8 Did you have a friend who saved you? 9 Have you ever felt really miserable? 10 Did anyone help you then? READING 8 a Friendship in books Language box Remember how to form questions:  full verbs – use do , does or did : Did you like it there?  auxiliaries – with inversion: Can we be friends?  question words: Where does your friend live? Who do you like best?  If you need more information on Questions , go to Grammar revisited , p. 162. M pp. 8/9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv