way2go! 5, Schulbuch

110 UniT 08 | Rules – make or break? Complete the word map on the next page with the correct expressions from the box. allowed  getting detention  banned  prohibited  breaking the law  making strict laws  against the law  obeying the law/a rule  going to jail  sth. you must not do  paying a fine  introducing new regulations b Now close your eyes and listen to the interview. Get together with a partner. 1 What do you remember from the interview? 2 Was the interview easy or difficult to understand? What could help you understand more? Listen again and tick the correct statements. 1  Young people read a lot. 2  It’s normal for young people to trace the origin of the texts they read. 3  People feel that what’s on the internet is for general use. 4  Authors of texts which are published online don’t have to be mentioned if you use the text. 5  What people understand by ‘creativity’ has changed. 6  Sampling can be considered a creative activity. 7  It is wrong to take bits and pieces that already exist and make something new out of them. 8  There’s no difference between copying and creating something new out of other people’s material. 9  Presenting something that you have copied as your own work is not acceptable. 10  Copying text written by somebody else makes you think about it more. 11  Schools should stress the fact that plagiarism prevents learning. Discuss the following questions with a partner. Take notes on your ideas. 1 Is cheating in written tests ever OK? Can you find reasons when it might be? 2 Do you consider copying from other people cheating? Give reasons why/why not. 3 Many people say that copying from other people keeps you from learning anything yourself. Say why you agree or disagree with this. Write a PEEL paragraph giving your opinion on cheating at school. Is it ever OK to cheat? Use the ideas you’ve collected in exercise 27 and expressions from the word map below. Topic vocabulary Name both groups of words. Then cross out the two expressions that don’t fit (one in each group). LISTENING 25 a b 19 M p. 45 26 SPEAKING 27 WRITING 28 LANGUAGE 29 a fear of failing at school competitiveness using a mobile giving sb. credit for their work getting sb. to do the work for you copying sb. else’s work using a cheat sheet using other people’s work is considered OK the internet has made cheating easier pressure to do well cheating it keeps you from learning (1) (2) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv