way2go! 5, Schulbuch

107 Cheating in education The cartoon below makes fun of a situation that happens a lot in school. Find a partner and discuss what you think is the main message of the cartoon. a “People are lazy and don’t care about copyright.” b “People don’t understand what ‘copyright’ means.” c “Teachers don’t want students to use information they found online.” d “Teachers want students to think on their own. SPEAKING 19 a Discuss the following questions and find a definition of ‘copyright’. 1 What does ‘copyright’ mean? 2 What kinds of things can/can’t a copyright protect? 3 What is copyright worth? 4 Do you ever think about copyright when you do schoolwork? 5 How does the internet influence copyright? Some problems at school can be related to copyright because stealing someone else’s work is considered cheating. What counts as cheating to you? Rank the following options from 1 (= least bad) to 5 (= worst). Then discuss your choices with a partner. a getting help from a classmate during an exam b using your mobile to find the right answers during an exam c copying homework from a classmate d handing in a text you found on the internet as your own (‘plagiarism’) e letting the others do all the work in a group task You are going to read an article about cheating at US schools. Before reading the article, try to guess which of these statements are true and which aren’t. 1 Successful students cheat to do even better at school. true/false 2 The internet has made it easier for students to copy other people’s work. true/false 3 Parents have become much stricter when it comes to cheating in tests. true/false Now quickly read the article on the next page. Did you guess right? b READING 20 a b c Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv