Tiger Tom 2, Flash Cards

My body 118 ball 119 playground 120 body 121 head 122 hair 123 eyes 124 nose 125 mouth 126 ears 127 teeth 128 arms 129 hands 130 fingers 131 legs 132 feet 133 toes 134 wolf 135 basket 136 jump, hop 137 go 138 run London 139 sit down 140 stand up 141 Big Ben 142 Tower 143 Tower Bridge 144 London Eye 145 Queen 146 Guardsman 147 Union Jack 148 look 149 read 150 open (the pencil case) 151 right 152 left Playground 153 doll 154 monkey bars 155 gameboy 156 climb 157 play the piano 158 play ball 159 fly 160 monkey 161 in 162 on 163 under 164 angry My day 165 Monday 166 Tuesday 167 Wednesday 168 Thursday 169 Friday 170 Saturday 171 Sunday 172 play basketball 173 play tennis 174 play cards 175 sleep all day Special days 176 witch (on a broom) 177 ghost 178 Jack-o-lantern 179 bat 180 Santa Claus 181 Mrs Santa 182 presents 183 cakes 184 sugar 185 go to the disco 186 felt-tip 187 (toy) castle 188 Easter Rabbit 189 Easter eggs 190 hang from a tree 191 stretch 192 shake my legs 193 sun 194 summer king 195 swim 196 summer Word Cards 197 T-shirt 198 jeans 199 bike 200 bus 201 schoolbag 202 boy 203 girl 204 bananas 205 apples 206 grapes 207 cherries 208 strawberries 209 kiwis 210 oranges 211 lemons 212 fish 213 cow 214 in 215 on 216 under 217 wolf 218 bird 219 rabbit 220 monkey 221 Monday 222 Tuesday 223 Wednesday 224 Thursday 225 Friday 226 Saturday 227 Sunday Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv