Tiger Tom 3. My English Book, Schulbuch

67 Drama Unit  · The costume party I can do it! 6 True or false? Read and circle. Then write the password. sixty-seven True False 1 .  The friends see a poster at school. A S 2.  Sandra has an idea. P N 3.  The kids have a party at Peter’s house. O I 4.  The kids are hungry. M P 5.  A lion wants to eat a zebra. A U 6.  The kids run away. L R 7 Look and number. Then act the story. We love dancing! And we love listening to music! Hey, I’m really hungry! Yes, I’m hungry, too! And I love playing the drums! Look! What is it? It’s a costume party. Here at school? Yes, it’s on Friday! ROAR!!! Ha, ha, ha! A Zebra! Ha, ha, ha, you cannot eat me! No, I want to eat… a zebra! ROAR!!! I am very hungry! Do you want a hamburger? Do you want some chocolate? Do you want sausages? Do you want some bread with cheese? Do you want an apple? I’m looking for a big lion. He broke out of the zoo last night. He is very big and very hungry. Oh no, listen! It’s the zoo director. Oh no! ROAR! A lion? The friends think about what to wear. I can wear my new Tªshirt. I can wear my new jeans. I can wear my new jacket. I can wear my new cap. I can wear my new dress. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv