Zeitbilder 7/8, Arbeitsheft

We have only one planet, and countries share one world. To do well, Asia and the world could not do without each other (…) I wish to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on this vision. - To build a community of common destiny, we need to make sure that all countries respect one another and treat each other as equals. Countries may differ in size, strength or level of development, but they are all equal members of the international community with equal rights to participate in regional and inter- national affairs (...) Being a big country means shoul- dering greater responsibilities for regional and world peace and development, as opposed to seeking grea- ter monopoly over regional and world affairs. To respect one another and treat each other as equals, countries need to (…) respect other countries‘ social systems and development paths of their own choice (…) All of us must oppose interference in other countries‘ internal affairs and reject attempts to de- stabilize the region out of selfish motives (…) The building of an East Asia economic community for ASEAN 1 , China, Japan and ROK 2 12 will be completed in 2020 (…) We will work towards an energy and re- sources cooperation mechanism in Asia to ensure energy and resources security (…) We may (…) step up cooperation in marine economy, environmental protection, disaster management and fishery. This 1 ASEAN = 1967 gegründete „Association of Southeast Asian Nations“, bestehend aus 10 Mitgliedsstaaten 2 ROK = Republik of (South-)Korea way, we could turn the seas of Asia into seas of peace, friendship and cooperation for Asian countries (…) - As people of all countries share common destiny and become increasingly interdependent, no country could have its own security ensured without the secu- rity of other countries or of the wider world (…) What China needs most is a harmonious and stable domestic environment and a peaceful and tranquil international environment. Turbulence or war runs against the fundamental interests of the Chinese people (…) China has suffered from turbulence and war for more than a century since modern times, and the Chinese people would never want to inflict the same tragedy on other countries or peoples. History has taught us that no country who tried to achieve its goal with force ever succeeded. China will be stead- fast in pursuing the independent foreign policy of peace, the path of peaceful development, the win- win strategy of opening-up, and the approach of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests (…) (Wang, Yamei: Full text of Chinese President‘s speech at Boao Forum for Asia am 28.3.2015. In: Xinhuanet vom 29.3.2015; online auf: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-03/29/c_134106145. htm; 27.2.2017). Lösungshinweise z7q4f4 Online-Ergänzungen b4sq9w Fasse in Stichworten zusammen: (Arbeitswissen) a) in welcher Weise und zu welchem Zweck Xi Jinping am Parteitag die Geschichte seines Landes anspricht (M1); b) welche Rolle und Aufgaben Xi Jinping der kommunistischen Partei und ihren Funktionären bei der Entwicklung des Landes zuschreibt (M1); c) wie er die Entwicklung Asiens inklusive Chinas in den letzten 70 Jahren beschreibt (M2); d) welche Visionen Xi Jinping in Bezug auf das Zusammenleben und die Entwicklung der asiatischen Länder bzw. der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft hat und was China dazu beitragen wird (M2). Stelle dar, mit welchen Formulierungen Xi Jinping die Gefühle der Zuhörerschaft anspricht, und bewerte dies aus deiner Sicht (M1, M2). (Politikbezogene Methodenkompetenz /Politische Urteilskompetenz / A II-III) Vergleiche die von Xi Jinping angesprochene Rolle Chinas in der Welt mit jener, wie sie der russische (vgl. S. 40 f.) und der ameri- kanische Präsident (vgl. S. 36 f.) für ihre Länder formuliert haben, und bewerte die unterschiedlichen Darstellungen. (Politikbezo- gene Methodenkompetenz /Politische Urteilskompetenz / A II-III) 1  2  3  39 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv