Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Study new words and grammar at the same time Use two colours to highlight the new adjectives and adverbs. For an extra challenge, look up the opposites of some of the adjectives. T English Example sentence German 1 grown-up !*grEUn0p? Growing up is for grown-ups . Erwachsener (der), Erwachsene (die) jungle !dZ0Ngl? There’s a jungle right there. Dschungel (der), Urwald (der) slang !slxN? The slogan uses slang . Slang (der) 2 light !laIt? Cake as light as a feather. leicht immediately !I*mi"dIEtli? Call us immediately ! gleich, sofort humour !*hju"mE? Advertisements frequently use humour . Humor (der) to take a bite !teIk E *baIt? Take a bite quickly, or it might be gone! abbeißen, reinbeißen service !*s3"vIs? Make up an advertisement for the products and services . hier: Dienstleistung (die) 3 obviously !*ObvIEsli? Obviously , this ad was designed to attract boys. offensichtlich, deutlich scary !*skeEri? It was a very scary experience. gruselig, unheimlich evil !*i"vEl? The ad makes the bacteria look evil . böse surely !*SC"li"? Surely it’s wrong to advertise sweets to children. sicher, bestimmt 4 to stop !stOp? to do sth. The readers probably won’t stop to look at it more carefully. anhalten, um etw. zu tun typically !*tIpIkli? Typically , ads interrupt series or films. normalerweise hardly !*hA"dli? Some of these are hardly noticed by the viewers. (wohl) kaum casual !*kxZjUEl? / casually !*kxZUEli? The product is advertised through a casual comment. / The product is casually being used by characters in a film. beiläufig immediate !I*mi"dIEt? They want an immediate reaction from the viewers. sofort, unmittelbar 5 posing !*pEUzIN? Sometimes the posing influencers do, seems so silly. posieren 6 to order !*C"dE? sth. You shouldn’t order anything online. etw. bestellen tidy !*taIdi? Buy our product to keep your rooom tidy . sauber, aufgeräumt comfortable !*k0mfEtEbl? This chair is really comfortable . gemütlich unprofessional !0nprE*feSnl? This ad looks rather unprofessional . unprofessionell unnatural !0n*nxtSrl? The acting is just unnatural . unnatürlich uncomfortable !0n*k0mftEbl? Watching this makes me uncomfortable . unbehaglich, unwohl uncool !0n*ku"l? Ads with emojis are unbelievably uncool . uncool 7 social !*sEUSl? They make you think about a social problem. sozial container !kEn*teInE? It’s a good idea to bring containers . Behälter (der), Gefäß (das) 8 general !*dZenrl? I can understand general ideas and details. Haupt-, generell 92 15 Unit Awesome ads ninety-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv