Prime Time 4, Workbook

What would we do without ads? Listening and language in use: Early advertising  CB, p. 106 a) Listen to the presentation on advertising and tick the title that fits best. The history of advertising The most famous ads of all time Advertising on TV b) Listen again and match the sentence halves. 1. If Théophraste Renaudot hadn’t created The Gazette in 1631, the ads wouldn’t have grown in size and number. 2. If the Great Fire of London in 1666 hadn’t happened, it would not have become so popular in Europe. 3. If the advantages of coffee hadn’t been advertised in newspapers, advertising a product’s benefits would not have become necessary. 4. If the Industrial Revolution hadn’t introduced mass production, 1 ads wouldn’t have been printed. 5. If making newspapers hadn’t become cheap by the mid-nineteenth century, his soap wouldn’t have become such a huge success. 6. If Thomas Barratt hadn’t used a famous painting by John Millais, people would not have had to advertise lost and found 1 and changes of address in the paper. 1 lost and found – eine Art Fundbüro c) Use your own ideas and the sentence beginnings to write about what would (not) have happened in the past in your exercise book. 1. If ads had never been printed, … 2. If people hadn’t been able to advertise their new address after the Great Fire of London, … 3. If mass advertising hadn’t become necessary, … 4. If Thomas Barratt’s soap hadn’t become so successful, … If ads had never been printed, advertisers wouldn’t have started to use pictures. Language in use: CheeryConditionals  CB, p. 105 Read the ads and fill in fitting words. 5 3.22 u2cx3t 6 If it rains tomorrow, I’ll 1 my CheeryChoc . If 2 sunny tomorrow, I 3 have my CheeryChoc . I’ll just have my CheeryChoc . Imagine you 4 a millionaire. Would you 5 on a cruise trip or 6 you buy a cruise ship? 90 Revision ninety Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv