Prime Time 4, Workbook

The Big Apple Vocabulary work: History of New York City Look back at the text in your CB on page 16. Use the words in blue to complete the sentences below. 1. New York City was 1 as a trading post by the Dutch in 1624. In the beginning it was called New Amsterdam . 2. Viktor Hochhauser was my great-great-grandfather 1 ; he is one of my 2 . 3. In Austria, German is the 3 language. 4. Our cruise ship had already left when we reached the 4 . 5. Because of strong wind and big 5 the ferry to Staten Island was cancelled 2 . 6. 6 and 7 are the main reasons for migration. 7. The Statue of Liberty is one of New York’s most famous 8 . Focus on form: Past perfect tense a) Find the past participles for the following verbs. 1. give: g i v e n 6. arrive: 2. become: 7. leave: 3. land: 8. bring: 4. see: 9. have: 5. catch: 10. be: The circled letters make up which part of New York? b) Use some of the past participles to complete the following sentences. 1. After the Statue of Liberty had been 1 to New York as a present from the French, it became an international symbol for freedom. 2. New York became a British city, after it had 2 part of the Dutch colonies. 3. Millions of immigrants had 3 at Manhattan, before the city opened a new immigration centre on Ellis Island. 4. Most immigrants had 4 behind a life of poverty and oppression in Europe. 1 1 great-great-grandfather – Ururgroßvater 2 to cancel – hier: absagen 2 9 Unit 2 New York nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verl gs öbv