Prime Time 4, Workbook

Appealing or appalling? Reading and language in use: Adverts, adverbs and adjectives a) Scan Irem’s interview with Rose and tick the forms of ads that make Rose buy products. free samples 1 celebrity endorsement big sales of special brands radio ads Irem: Hey, Rose! Thanks for helping me out here, you are saving my life! I have to find out if you’re a dream customer. Rose: No problem. Usually it’s completely different when I copy your homework. You won’t mention this in the interview, will you? Irem: Oh, I would never do that. But listen, I have some questions. We can do this really quickly, I promise. First situation: on the radio, they casually mention a big sale in the mall. They are offering two pairs of jeans for the price of one, which is extremely cheap. What do you do? Rose: That’s a very funny situation. I hardly ever listen to the radio anymore. But if it’s my favourite brand, I’ll go immediately! Irem: Okay. So we’ll say you went to the mall. There they are giving away free muesli bars, and you take one. Do you feel guilty about not buying one? Rose: Listen, I work hard for my pocket money. And personally, I think that this is a marketing trick, so, no, I definitely don’t feel guilty! Irem: I see. Next thing you see is a shampoo with your favourite star on it. Let’s say you are quite unhappy with the product you’re using at the moment. So what do you do? Rose: Haha, my favourite star does not even have any hair! But I would probably buy it anyway. He sings beautifully, and he’s terribly cool. Obviously, I’m in love! Irem: Perhaps you are not the dream customer. But quite clearly you are a dream interview partner! 1 free sample – Gratiskostprobe b) Read the short summary of the interview and circle the correct words. Irem is a hard • hardly -working student, who takes homework serious • seriously . Her first interview question is about an extreme • extremely cheap offer at the mall advertised on the radio. But late • lately , Rose hasn’t listened to the radio much, which is why she finds this question funny • funnily . Clear • Clearly , Rose wouldn’t feel bad • badly for not buying a muesli bar, even if she had got one for free • freely . It’s obvious • obviously that Rose thinks her favourite star’s music sounds amazing • amazingly . This is why she would probable • probably buy any product this celebrity is advertising. c) Complete the grid on the types of adverbs with highlighted words from the interview. adverbs of … examples manner quickly, degree completely, probability definitely, opinion personally, frequency usually, 2 88 15 Unit Awesome ads eighty-eight Nu zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv