Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Relaxing while trying to memorise words Just relax while you try to memorise new words. This helps you to remember them. By relaxing the brain you create more space for new memories. T English Example sentence German 1 high school reunion !haI sku"l rI*ju"njEn? They met again at a 10-year high school reunion . Klassentreffen (das) quality !*kwOlEti? I’m sure I have all the qualities that I need. Eigenschaft (die) ambitious !xm*bISEs? Geoffrey is a very ambitious boy. ehrgeizig disciplined !*dIsEplInd? I wish I was more disciplined . diszipliniert, ordentlich cooperative !kEU*OprEtIv? I think I’m cooperative and friendly. kooperativ, hilfsbereit patient !*peISnt? My mum always says I’m patient . geduldig medicine !*medIsn? I am interested in medicine . Medizin (die), Arztberuf (der) to train as sth. !*treIn Ez? So I trained as a nurse. eine Ausbildung in etw. machen nurse !n3"s? My brother is a nurse at the hospital. Krankenpfleger (der), Krankenschwester (die) elderly people !*eldli pi"pl? He takes care of elderly people . ältere Menschen (die) 3 to assist !E*sIst? sb. They assist doctors with difficult tasks. jmdm. helfen, jmdm. assistieren 4 TV journalist !ti"*vi" dZ3"nElIst? My best friend works as a TV journalist . TV-Journalist (der), TV-Journalistin (die) 5 to improve !Im*pru"v? sth. We try to improve our clients’ situations. etw. verbessern choreographer !kOrI*OgrEfE? As a choreographer , you have to be creative. Choreograf (der), Choreografin (die) ballet !*bxleI? I am a choreographer in the National Ballet Company. Ballett (das) piece of music !pi"s Ev *mju"sIk? Listen very carefully to the piece of music . Musikstück (das) hairdresser !*heEdresE? I’ve worked as a hairdresser for a long time. Frisör (der), Frisörin (die) specialist !*speSlIst? A hairdresser is a specialist for cutting hair. Spezialist (der), Spezialistin (die) training course !*treInIN kC"s? I love to attend training courses regularly. Schulung (die), Fortbildung (die) to address !E*dres? sb. I need to address customers in a friendly manner. jmdn. ansprechen 6 cheerful !*tSIEfl? She’s such a cheerful person! fröhlich, heiter to work long hours !lON *aUEz? I am able to work long hours . Überstunden machen 7 to remind !rI+maInd? sb. (of sth.) Mum reminded me to look for a job. jmdn. (an etw.) erinnern to apply !E*plaI? for sth. You’d better apply for a summer job soon. sich für etw. bewerben summer job !*s0mE dZOb? I’ve never had a summer job before. Sommerjob (der) automation !C"tE*meISn? Many jobs are cut due to automation . Automatisierung (die) right away !raIt E*weI? I’ll start looking for job offers right away . sofort, gleich carer !keErE? I’m sure that machines won’t replace carers . Betreuer (der), Betreuerin (die) promise !*prOmIs? I can’t make any promises . Versprechen (das) sunscreen !*s0nskri"n? You’d better put on some sunscreen . Sonnencreme (die) to turn red !t3"n *red? Your skin’s already turned red . rot werden to get sunburned !*s0nb3"nd? You’re going to get sunburned . einen Sonnenbrand bekommen 9 space tourism !*speIs tUErIzm? Space tourism rockets will leave the earth. Weltraumtourismus (der) smart home !smA"t *hEUm? More and more people have smart homes . intelligente Haustechnik (die) 86 14 Unit Work hard; play hard eighty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv