Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Listening: Ally’s podcast a) Listen to Ally’s new podcast episode about her summer job in the retirement home. b) Read the statements and tick T (= true) or F (= false). T F 1. On the first day of her summer job, Ally was late.  2. When Ally saw the head nurse for the first time, she felt a bit worried. 3. When the head nurse saw Ally, she was afraid that Ally was lazy. 4. Ally had watched TV documentaries about the care of elderly people. 5. Sam has been a basketball fan all his life. 6. Ally doesn’t know the names of the sports teams she watched. 7. Because of Ally the nurses could concentrate on their work. 8. There are nurses in the retirement home 24 hours a day. 9. Ally assisted some clients with eating their food. 10. After breakfast, all clients have to go to their rooms. 11. The people living in the retirement home can choose their lunch. 12. Ally once gave a concert in the afternoon. 13. The clients usually have dinner in their rooms. 14. Ally thinks she wants to do something completely different after school. c) Complete the sentences below with words from the text. There are two words that you don’t need. 1. Nurse McCormick in her white uniform looked very impressive 1 to Ally. 2. On the first day, Ally looked really 2 , as if she couldn’t wait to begin. 3. Sam told Ally so much about football that she became quite 3 . 4. One afternoon, Ally did a 4 reading for the clients. 5. For Ally, it felt 5 to make a difference to other people’s lives. 6. Every day in Ally’s job was 6 and there were new challenges every day. 8 3.21 w2r6j2 afraid • curious • different • fascinated • great • impressive • lazy • lovely l m n I can understand a conversation about a familiar topic. 85 Work hard; play hard 14 Unit eighty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv