Prime Time 4, Workbook

Ally’s Blog Focus on form: Talking about the future Read Ally’s newest post on her blog and fill in the correct forms of the future tense. I can’t believe it – one week ago I wrote that I’d like to work in a retirement home this summer and now I’ve already got a job! Thanks to Eve, who sent me the contact details of the home where she worked last year, I applied and got the job right away. Now there’s no time to lose to get prepared. I’m sure I ’ll enjoy 1 (enjoy) working in the retirement home. I have already decided that I 2 (visit) them in the next days. I 3 (talk) to the nurses to find out more about what it means to work in a retirement home. There’s a lot I need to know. I promise that I 4 (tell) you everything about my visit in my next post. Maybe I 5 (turn) my summer job at the retirement home even into a miniseries. I think I 6 (bring) the nurses some coffee when I go there. Mum said it’s always a good idea to bring a little something for the first visit. I’m sure that my new colleagues 7 (not say) no to a pack of delicious organic coffee beans 1 . l When I pop 2 down to the shops maybe I 8 (stop) by the bookshop too. I’ve found an interesting book online about taking care of elderly people. Oh no … there are bIack clouds in the sky! It 9 (rain) any minute and I don’t want to get wet. Bye for now! I 10 (keep) you updated! 1 coffee beans – Kaffebohnen 2 to pop down – vorbeischauen Writing: Commenting on Ally’s blog post Write a comment on Ally’s blog post in which you wish her luck for her summer job. Use the useful phrases on the right. In your comment, you should … • wish her luck for her summer job, • describe why you like/don’t like the job Ally has chosen, • write about your own summer plans. 5 Home About me Topics Preparing for the summer job 5 10 15 6 Useful phrases I wish you … • I really hope … • It’s great that … • I think it’s a great idea to … • For me, … is/isn’t the best option. • I would/wouldn’t work … • This summer, … • I have/haven’t decided … P 83 14 Unit Work hard; play hard eighty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv