Prime Time 4, Workbook

Personal qualities Working with words: Personal qualities Match the sentences below with the correct adjectives. There are two words too many. 1. My friend Ralphie wants to get a high-paying job one day. He is so ambitious 1 . 2. I can’t say that I’m 2 . Usually, I arrive everywhere five minutes late … 3. Mum’s boss says she needs to be more 3 . Yesterday, she had to go to work even though she had promised to take me to the museum. 4. That dog’s really 4 . He exactly knows where I’ve put his treats 1 . 5. I don’t know anyone as 5 as Sue. She has been waiting for twenty min- utes now for somebody at the helpdesk 2 to pick up 3 the phone. 6. Are you always so 6 . OK, I’ll explain to you how artificial intelligence works. 7. I wish I were as 7 as Jack. I can’t even draw a tree. 8. I am 8 . I’d never lie to you. Reading: What I want to do one day Put the text below in the correct order. First, he or she has to find out which health problems an animal has. To begin with, I’ll describe what a veterinarian has to do. Finally, I’ll explain why I’m so interested in this job. After the bird had got better, I knew that I wanted to become a vet. After that he or she suggests what to do about them. 1 I definitely want to be a veterinarian when I get older. I’d like to become a vet because I’ve always loved animals. He or she has to understand how the animal owner feels and has to treat them nicely. Often, the vet doesn’t only have to take care of the animals, but of worried owners as well. A vet has to take care of sick animals. When I was five, I took care of a sick bird which had fallen out of its nest. Therefore, a vet must be friendly and open-minded. 3 patient punctual organised honest flexible curious creative clever adventurous ambitious 1 treat – hier: “Leckerli” für Haustier 2 helpdesk – Kundenservice 3 to pick up – hier: abheben 4 82 14 Unit Work hard; play hard eighty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv