Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Good ( l ) or bad ( n )? Think about the meaning of some of the new words. Most people think that doing something “step by step” is good and that being a “know-it- all” is bad. What do you think? T English Example sentence German 1 to take part !teIk *pA"t? in sth. You are taking part in a contest. an etw. teilnehmen triangle !*traIxNgl? The invention has the shape of a triangle . Dreieck (das) function !*f0NkSn? What is your invention’s function ? Funktion (die) slogan !*slEUgEn? Think of a slogan for your product! Slogan (der) 2 blind !blaInd? This is a useful tool for blind people. blind 3 step by step !step baI *step? We should do this step by step . stufenweise, Schritt für Schritt know-it-all !*nEUItC"l? Isn’t she a bit of a know-it-all ? Besserwisser (der), Besserwisserin (die) programming !*prEUgrxmIN? Ada’s an expert on programming . Programmieren (das) to season !si"zn? sth. Would you like me to season it with salt and pepper? etw. würzen 4 in a nutshell !In E *n0tSel? Here is Ada’s life in a nutshell . kurz gesagt poet !*pEUIt? She was the daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron. Poet (der) to control !kEn*trEUl? yourself Her mother thought it would help her to control herself . sich beherrschen to translate !trxnz*leIt? Ada translated an article about the machine. übersetzen to have sth. in mind !In *maInd? This is the machine Babbage had in mind . etw. im Sinn haben marriage !*mxrIdZ? Their marriage was happy. Ehe (die) pill !pIl? Ada took pills because of her health problems. Tablette (die), Pille (die) 5 unpleasant !0n*pleznt? In a dystopia everything is unpleasant . unerfreulich, unangenehm society !sE*saIEti? Dystopian societies are usually different from ours. Gesellschaft (die) to cycle !saIkl? People have to cycle all day to produce electricity. Rad fahren to control !kEn*trEUl? sb./sth. Parents can control their child by using a tablet. jmdn. unter Kontrolle haben 6 weird !wIEd? What are the weirdest inventions of all time? seltsam, komisch bicycle !*baIsIkl? The bicycle was invented over a century ago. Fahrrad (das) in a green way !gri"n *weI? Try to travel to school in a green way . auf umweltfreundliche Weise 7 useless !ju"slEs? This invention is completely useless . nutzlos, sinnlos, zwecklos item !*aItEm? Choose two of these items and combine them. Gegenstand (der) toothbrush !*tu"Tbr0S? You should change your toothbrush every 3 months. Zahnbürste (die) running shoes !*r0nIN Su"z? Never use new running shoes for a race. Laufschuhe (die) flashlight !*flxSlaIt? Every household should have at least one flashlight . Taschenlampe (die) 8 system !*sIstEm? The idea is used in the GSM cell phone system . System (das) 80 13 Unit Incredible inventions eighty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv