Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary English Example sentence German abroad !E*brC"d? Are you going to travel abroad this summer? im/ins Ausland 1 volunteer work !vOlEn*tIE w3:k? We could do volunteer work on a farm. ehrenamtliche Arbeit (die) apartment !E*pA"tmEnt? I don’t want to pay for a hotel or apartment . Wohnung (die) not only …but also !nOt *EUnli b0t *C"lsEU? These special hotels are not only for people but also for dogs. nicht nur … sondern auch WWOOFing !*wUfIN? WWOOfing is a cheap way to stay in another country. Arbeit auf einer Farm für Unterkunft und Verpflegung couchsurfing !*kaUtS s3"fIN? He saved a lot of money by doing couchsurfing . Couchsurfing (das) Interrail !*IntEreIl? Many young Europeans do Interrail trips. Interrail backpacking !*bxkpxkIN? My friends and I went backpacking last summer. Rucksackreise (die) 3 arrival !E*raIvl? We apologise for the late arrival of the train. Ankunft (die) departure !dI*pA"tSE? Departure times may change due to the weather. Abfahrt (die) flight !flaIt? I overslept and almost missed my flight . Flug (der) harbour !*hA"bE? Our ship is leaving the harbour in one hour. Hafen (der) luggage !*l0gIdZ? We have been waiting for our luggage for 2 hours! Gepäck (das) platform !*plxtfC"m? The train is leaving from platform 9. Bahnsteig (der) to rent !rent? They decided to rent a car at the airport. mieten 4 travel agency !*trxvl eIdZnsi? They booked the trip with a new travel agency . Reisebüro (das) to take (long/time) The train ride to the centre takes about an hour. (lang/eine Zeit) dauern to leave !li"v? We would like to leave around July 15. weggehen, wegfahren to stay !steI? We want to stay there for two weeks. übernachten, wohnen to avoid !E*vCId? sth. If you take the train, you can avoid traffic jams. etw. vermeiden 5 passenger !*pxsndZE? Passengers travelling to Cairo should go to boarding gate 22. Fahrgast (der), Passagier (der), Passagierin (die) boarding call !*bC"dIN kC"l? This is the final boarding call for flight HP394 to London. Aufruf zum Einsteigen (der) 6 accommodation !EkOmE*deISn? Tom usually looks for cheap accommodation . Unterkunft (die) youth hostel !*ju"T hOstl? We usually go to a youth hostel . Jugendherberge (die) campsite !*kxmpsaIt? Is there a campsite near here? Campingplatz (der) destination !destI*neISn? They want to experience the “real” destination . Reiseziel (das) host !hEUst? There are WWOOF hosts in 210 countries. Gastgeber/-in (der/die) to visit !*vIzIt? How many countries would you like to visit ? besuchen, besichtigen available !E*veIlEbl? The Interrail Pass is available to all European citizens. verfügbar, erhältlich 7 environment !IN*vaIrnmEnt? How are you protecting the environment ? Umwelt (die) 8 work experience !*w3"k Ik*spIErIEns? WWOOFing is a great work experience . Arbeitserfahrung (die) to help out !help *aUt? You stay at organic farms or parks and help out . aushelfen Take care! !teIk *keE? Mach’s gut! Tip: “Sorting hat” “Sorting hat”: Put words from the list into categories of your own choice, e.g. “activities when travelling”, “ways of travelling”, etc. T 8 1 Unit Going abroad eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv