Prime Time 4, Workbook

Incredibly clever CoolBot Language in use: Look what CoolBot has done!  CB, p. 93 a) Colleen has invented a robot that should make her grandma’s life easier. Look at the two pictures and complete the text about what it has and hasn’t done. 6 do bake clean up decorate do mark not tell put put up Look what CoolBot 1 ! It 2 Colleen’s birthday on the calendar. CoolBot has done 3 the dishes. Also, CoolBot 4 an embarrassing photo of Colleen’s dad. CoolBot 5 flowers in a vase. Luckily, CoolBot 6 the mess Colleen made earlier. As she loves sweet things, CoolBot 7 a cake for her birthday. Lastly, CoolBot 8 the room for her birthday party. But Colleen’s dad’s birthday is coming, too. CoolBot 9 grandma of that! b) Tick the correct answer. The present perfect tense is used in the text above to express … activities that happened long ago what has changed what someone is doing now c) CoolBot has learned to write. Read his note for Colleen’s grandma and circle the correct words. Dear Ms Carter, six months ago Colleen invented • has invented me to make your life easier, and helping you was • has been great. But in the last few days, things have changed • changed . On Monday I have found • found a note that said, “You ’ve ruined • ruined my life”. Since then I ’ve been • was worried. On Wednesday your son came by and has sung • sang , “Lonely birthday to me!”, all the while looking at me strangely. What have I done • did I do wrong? 78 Revision seventy-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv