Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Associating a word with a gesture or movement can be extremely helpful. For example say “romantic” and draw a heart into the air. T English Example sentence German 1 understudy !*0ndEst0di? The understudy learns the part of another actor. Zweitbesetzung (die) tragedy !*trxdZEdi? Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy . Tragödie (die) to involve !In*vOlv? sth. The most famous scene involves a balcony. etw. beinhalten 2 stage performance !*steIdZ pEfC"mEns? In the school’s stage performance there are five main characters. Theatervorstellung (die) self-centered !self*sentEd? He is a very self-centred person. egozentrisch romantic !rE*mxntIk? We can both be very romantic sometimes. romantisch stage manager !*steIdZ mxnIdZE? The stage manager knows where everything is. Bühnenmeister (der), Bühnenmeisterin (die) drama teacher !*drA"mE ti"tSE? This play was directed by our drama teacher . Schauspiellehrer (der), Schauspiellehrerin (die) 3 read-through !*ri"dTru"? We should do a read-through of the play first. Durchlesen (das) script !skrIpt? The actors read their parts from scripts . Skript (das) drama group !*drA"mE gru"p? The drama group meet for a first read through. Theatergruppe (die) school auditorium !*sku"l C"dItC"rIEm? Everyone meets in the school auditorium . Schulaula (die) part !pA"t? Deva is studying her part . hier: Rolle (die), Part (der) lines !laInz? He continues repeating his lines . hier: Text (der) to deserve !dI*s3"v? sth./sb. I think he deserves a better Juliet. etw. verdienen to seem !si"m? True love always wins, even when it seems impossible. scheinen impossible !Im*pOsEbl? It’s impossible to work with her! unmöglich to rehearse !rE*h3"s? We can’t rehearse without a Juliet! proben lead !li"d? We need a female lead . Hauptrolle (die) 5 to fall for !fC"l fE? sb. Juliet falls for Romeo. sich in jmdn. verlieben rehearsal !rE*h3"sl? Today is the first rehearsal of our play. Probe (die) prompt !prOmpt? Every good play has a prompt . Souffleur (der), Souffleuse (die) 6 public performance !p0blIk pE*fC"mEns? After enough rehearsals, we will have a public performance . öffentliche Aufführung (die) enemy !*enEmi? She fell in love with a boy from an enemy family. feindlich frustrated !fr0s*treItId? Ross is frustrated about the rehearsal. frustriert nut ’n granola bar !n0tngrE*nEUlE bA"? Have a nut ’n granola bar . Müsliriegel (der) to be about to do sth. The lovers are about to have their first kiss. im Begriff sein, etw. zu tun to take one’s place All of them take their places . seinen Platz einnehmen 7 to ruin !*ru"In? sth. You’ve totally ruined the scene! etw. zerstören furious !*fjUErIEs? Jade is furious because the scene is ruined. sehr wütend silence !saIlEns? Silence on the set! Ruhe (die) 74 12 Unit The Understudy – a play seventy-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv