Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Language in use: The people behind a stage production In this unit you have met a lot of people responsible 1 for making a stage production work. You have also been shown different steps of rehearsing a play. Choose the correct words for the gaps. There is one you do not need. 1. A person who learns another’s role in order to be able to act if another person gets ill or cannot act, is called an understudy 1 . 2. At a 2 , which is also the final rehearsal before a live performance, everything is done as it would be in a real performance, e.g. costumes, make up, decorations, etc. 3. The person whose job it is to help actors, during a performance, to remember words that they have forgotten is called a 3 . 4. The 4 is the group of people responsible for all decorations and technical aspects in a stage production. 5. Every stage production also has a 5 who is responsible for managing the people on stage and helping the director. 6. The first reading of a play, at which actors still read their parts from scripts and there are no costumes or decorations, is called a 6 . 1 to be responsible for sth. – für etw. verantwortlich sein Language in use: so/such Read Mr Gillespie’s tips and tricks about performing a play and circle the correct word. 1. Study your lines so • such well that you never have to worry about them. 2. Keep a notebook about the play. Having so • such a notebook makes it easier to remember instructions about acting and how to use stage decorations. 3. Making mistakes isn’t so • such bad. Everybody makes them. Don’t stop acting if you do! 4. If something goes wrong, don’t ignore 1 it, but try to react spontaneously 2 . Every performance will have so • such situations, and it is up to you to make the best of it! 1 to ignore – ignorieren 2 spontaneously – spontan 8 l m n I can understand the roles of various people involved in a stage production. understudy dress rehearsal read-through stage manager prompt technical crew director 9 l m n I can use the words so/such in the right context. 73 The Understudy – a play 12 Unit seventy-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv