Prime Time 4, Workbook

Moral dilemma 1 Writing: Remember what happened in scene 3 a) After an exhausting day of rehearsal and a moral dilemma, Deva writes down what happened. Write her diary entry of about 120 words including the bullet points below. Write in your exercise book. • Say what nearly happened and describe the general situation. • Describe what you felt and why you maybe were uncertain what to do. • Give your opinion on Blossom’s actions as a friend. b) Blossom’s plan and Deva’s moral dilemma. Would you react the same way as Deva? Write down some pro and some con arguments about the situation. Pro Con Deva would get the role of Juliet. The balcony scene Read the summary of the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet and complete it with the words in green. There is one word you do not need. The balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous 1 scenes in all of Shakespeare’s plays. Romeo, a 2 , and Juliet, a 3 , meet at a masquerade party 2 in Juliet’s home. Romeo and his friends go to the party, uninvited, and when Romeo sees Juliet, he immediately falls in 4 with her. After the party, Romeo jumps over the Capulets’ garden wall, and searches for Juliet. Romeo hides in the garden and watches Juliet walking onto the 5 . It is at this time that Juliet speaks some of Shakespeare’s most famous 6 : ‘O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name and I’ll no longer be a Capulet. jemand zwischen zwei unangenehmen Alternativen wählen muss 2 masquerade party – Maskenball 3 Dear Diary, … 4 balcony Capulet lines love Montague tragedy famous 1 moral dilemma – Situation, in der 70 12 Unit The Understudy – a play seventy Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv