Prime Time 4, Workbook

Focus on form: Reflexive pronouns  CB, p. 73 Read the dialogue below and complete the sentences. Sam: Here we are. Finally. We’ve arrived at the hotel. I never thought we’d be able to find it ourselves 1 . I mean, the navigation app was really useless, wasn’t it? Bea: Indeed it was. But you said it 2 , didn’t you? It’s all a big adventure, isn’t it? Sam: You’re right, Bea. It is. I wonder what Matt and Isa are doing right now. It seems that they haven’t worked out the way to the hotel 3 . Bea: Well … let’s call them from our room. Sam: What kind of hotel is this actually? There isn’t anyone we could ask for help. Do we really have to carry our bags 4 ? Bea: I’m afraid we do. Can you carry the bags up the stairs by 5 , or do you need help? Sam: Don’t worry, Bea. I can do it, and I can also carry my camera equipment 6 . It isn’t very heavy. Bea: Okay, but don’t hurt 7 ! Sam: Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Focus on form: Contrasting ideas Ally really liked the days at the Windhagenbauer’s farm, but not everything was perfect. Connect the sentences with the linking words in brackets. 1. The farm animals were really cute. They were loud at night. (but) The farm animals were really cute, but they were loud at night. 2. The food was delicious. I didn’t like everything. (although) 3. There were lots of things to do. Sometimes I felt bored. (despite the fact that) 4. Our apartment was cleaned every day. The bathroom was a bit dirty. (even though) 5. The horse-riding lessons were brilliant. They were a bit expensive. (but) 6. We spent a lot of time outdoors. The weather was bad sometimes. (in spite of the fact that) 6 myself yourself himself herself themselves ourselves 7 66 Revision sixty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv