Prime Time 4, Workbook

Childhood memories Focus on form: Saying what has changed Look at the photos. Write sentences describing what has changed. Use the present perfect tense. The words in green may help you. 4 grow do the laundry 1 move mow buy build 1. They have built houses . 2. My sister . 3. Dad . 4. Flowers . 5. Simon . 6. The Brompton family . Writing: Changes in my neighbourhood You’ve decided to post a comment in Ally’s blog to describe changes in your neighbourhood. Complete the gaps. Dear Ally’s mum, thank you very much for the post. You should write in Ally’s blog more often! I’d like to tell you now about changes in my neighbourhood, first the changes I like. I like that they have built 1 (build) a skate park around the corner. There used to be a petrol station, but it 2 (move) somewhere else. I also like that a cinema 3 (open) next to where I live. There’s so much to do now! Now the changes I don’t like: I don’t like that so many of my friends 4 (change) to a different school this year. My best friend is now attending a tourism school, and so he 5 (stop) going to school with me. 1 to do the laundry – die Wäsche waschen 5 65 11 Unit Coming back sixty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv