Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Try to understand where to use which words: when you read texts or listen to conversations try to pay attention how and when words are used. So, understanding the context helps you to study and remember words correctly. T English Example sentence German New Zealand !nju" *zi"lEnd? I want to visit New Zealand one day. Neuseeland (das) 1 Asia !*eIZE? Have you ever been to a country in Asia ? Asien (das) geographic region !dZIEgrxfIk *ri"dZn? Oceania is a geographic region . geografische Region (die) 2 Maori culture !maUri *k0ltSE? The Maori culture is respected by New Zealanders. Maorikultur (die) narrow !*nxrEU? There is a narrow area of sea between the islands. eng, schmal mountain peak !*maUntIn pi"k? It is the highest mountain peak in New Zealand. Berggipfel (der) to rise !raIz? Mount Cook rises to 3,754 meters. ragen, sich erheben to introduce !IntrE*dZu"s? sth. to sth. Other animals were introduced to the islands. einführen, einschleppen enemy !*enEmi? The birds couldn’t escape their enemies . Feind (der), Feindin (die) 3 mythology !mI*TOlEdZi? The Maori have a rich mythology . Mythologie (die) crafts !krA"fts? They developed crafts and weapons. Kunsthandwerk (das) conflict !*kOnflIkt? Maori had conflicts with Europeans. Konflikt (der) 4 mighty stream !maIti *stri"m? This land has mighty streams . mächtiger Strom (der) voyage !*vCIIdZ? They sometimes made long voyages into the seas. Reise (die), Seereise (die) fairy tale !*feEri teIl? My favourite fairy tale is “Snow White”. Märchen (das) mystery !*mIstri? I read a lot of mystery novels. Krimi (der) drama !*drA"mE? Shakespeare wrote a lot of dramas . Drama (das) autobiography !C"tEbaI*OgrEfi? She has written her autobiography . Autobiografie (die) 5 indigenous !In*dIdZInEs? New Zealand’s indigenous people came from the islands of Polynesia. indigen, einheimisch oral history !C"rEl *hIstri? The tradition of oral history continues till today. mündlich überlieferte Geschichte (die) storytelling !*stC"ritelIN? They were passed on by storytelling and song. Geschichtenerzählen (das) sacred !*seIkrId? Some of the stories are sacred to them. heilig to keep a promise !*prOmis? It’s important to keep one’s promises . ein Versprechen halten 7 gerund !*dZerEnd? Complete the text with the missing form of the gerund . Gerundium (das) real-life !rIEl *laIf? Documentaries can never replace a real-life experience. real, echt school system !*sku"l sIstEm? You will get to know a new school system . Schulsystem (das) 8 treaty !tri"ti? The British colonialists signed a treaty with the Maori. Vertrag (der), Abkommen (das) control !kEn*trEUl? A war against the British for control of the North Island began. Kontrolle (die), Herrschaft (die) to protest !prE*test? against sth. The Maori protested against the treaty. gegen etw. protestieren 62 10 Unit New Zealand sixty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv