Prime Time 4, Workbook

Focus on form: Have a safe trip! a) Adverb or adjective? Read the following travel tips and circle the correct form of the word. b) Tick the correct description. An adverb describes how you do something. An adjective describes how you do something. c) Add three more travel tips by using some of the words in green. 1. 2. 3. Focus on form: Present perfect or past simple? Complete Ian’s dialogue with his mum by using the correct tense. Mum: Ian, have you already packed (already, pack) 1 your bags for your trip tomorrow? Ian: No, (have) 2 time yet … Mum: Why? What (happen) 3 ? Ian: Nothing really, I just (watch) 4 TV until very late last night, and then I (fall) 5 asleep on the couch … Mum: Hurry up then! You have to be ready at 7 a.m. tomorrow! Oh, by the way, (think) 6 about a present for your host family 3 ? Ian: What?! I (not know) 7 that we have to bring a present! Mum: Oh Ian, you are going to stay with them for a week. Of course, you need a present … 5 Travel tips 1. Make use of helpful • helpfully internet resources 1 before you go on a trip! 2. Taking a good • well travel guide 2 on the journey is never a bad • badly idea. 3. Think hard • hardly about what you really need to take with you on the trip and what might just be extra luggage. 4. Be flexible • flexibly . That way you might experience something new! 5. Travel slow • slowly . Remember: It’s not the destination, it's the journey! 1 resources – Quellen 2 travel guide – Reiseführer careful carefully fast dangerous safe 6 3 host family – Gastfamilie 6 Revision six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv