Prime Time 4, Workbook

Maori culture Listening: Getting to know the Maori culture a) Listen to the audio. b) Listen again. Then read the statements and tick T (= true), F (= false) or NG (= not given). T F NG 1. Lots of names in New Zealand come from the Maori.  2. The Maori came to New Zealand 100 years ago. 3. Nowadays 40% of the population of New Zealand are Maori. 4. James Cook was a British explorer who came to New Zealand. 5. One big part of culture is the tradition of oral history. 6. Traditional and modern Maori art can be seen in New Zealand. c) Correct the statements that are false. Focus on form: At the tourist information Read the dialogue between a tourist and the assistant at the tourist information. Complete it with “a few” and “a little”. Tourist: Hello, Sir. I’ve got a few 1 questions. Clerk: Hello. Of course, how can I help you? Tourist: I’ve got 2 money left and so thought I could visit 3 places where I can learn 4 things about the Maori culture. Have you got any ideas? Clerk: Sure. Here are 5 leaflets and info brochures with all the places to be seen. 6 of them are outside, so you have to mind the weather. There might be 7 rain or even 8 snow. Tourist: Hmmm. That’s good to know. Thank you. 3 3.15 988t2v 4 58 10 Unit New Zealand fifty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv