Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Make connections with other languages It is easier to remember words in English when you can find a word that is similar or the same in other languages. For example, we use the word “design” in German, too. T English Example sentence German 1 garbage !*gA"bIdZ? Do you think this is art or garbage ? Müll (der) 2 handwriting !*hxndraItIN? He knows what my handwriting looks like. Handschrift (die) gift !gIft? I have thought of a gift for Patrick. Geschenk (das) Christmas Eve !krIsmEs *i"v? He wrote the letter before Christmas Eve . Heiliger Abend (der) suit !su"t? Sean was wearing a suit . Anzug (der) diary entry !*daIEri entri? I write a diary entry every day. Tagebucheintrag (der) design !dI*zaIn? Design and architecture are both visual art forms. Design (das) 3 divorced !dI*vC"st? My parents got divorced when I was four. geschieden to enjoy !In*dZCI? yourself They were trying to enjoy themselves . sich amüsieren dead !ded? Why does poetry feel dead ? tot prop !prOp? They used props , costumes and music. Requisite (die) 4 look !lUk? I like your new look ! Aussehen (das), Look (der) punctual !*p0NktSUEl? She is a very punctual person. pünktlich each other !i"tS *0TE? Claire and Giles respect each other . einander 5 flyer !*flaIE? I designed the flyer for the poetry slam. Flugblatt (das), Flyer (der) despite !dI*spaIt? Despite my bad singing, I love music. trotz whereas !weEr*xz? Whereas Luke had dressed up, Sean was wearing a suit. während, wohingegen even though !i"vn *DEU? Even though they destroyed his work of art, he was able to laugh about it. obwohl, wenn auch since !sIns? Since the party celebrated the moon landing, the DJ played “Man on the Moon”. hier: da, weil 6 drama club !*drA"mE kl0b? I am going to join drama club next year. Theatergruppe (die) art gallery !*A"t gxlEri? Let’s go to a few art galleries . Kunstgalerie (die) 7 still !stIl? She still feels like a wallflower. noch immer moon landing !*mu"n lxndIN? I saw the moon landing on TV. Mondlandung (die) astronaut !*xstrEnC"t? Luke dressed up as an astronaut . Astronaut (der) wise !waIz? She feels much wiser already. weise owl !aUl? I feel as wise as an owl . Eule (die) 8 cleaner !*kli"nE? A cleaner put a work of modern art in the bin. Reinigungskraft (die) drip !drIp? There was water dripping from the ceiling. tropfen paint !peInt? The cleaner didn’t know it was paint . Farbe (die), Lack (der) coffee cup !*kOfi k0p? He arranged bottles, ashtrays and coffee cups on the floor. Kaffeebecher (der) 56 9 Unit Express yourself fifty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv