Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Reading and listening: It’s a question of style a) Match each statement with a question. One statement matches with two questions. 1. How can you express yourself through fashion when you can’t afford very expensive clothes? 2. What can you do to make your clothes look different from everybody else’s? 3. What do you think of the fashion you can buy in a store? 4. How can you become the designer of your own clothes? 5. What can you do if you want to express your style without supporting the fashion industry? b) Listen to the dialogues and do the tasks below. 1. In dialogue 1, is talking to Luke ’s friend. 2. In dialogue 2, and are talking to each other. 3. In dialogue 3, and are talking to each other. T F 4. Luke wears clothes that were fashionable in the 80s.  5. The teenagers talk about Cole’s birthday party. 6. Iman agrees that people and clothes don’t have to be perfect. 7 Luke: I like to make old T-shirts look cool and different from clothes you can buy by using special colours. Some of the T-shirts I made look a bit crazy, but they are special, and nobody else has the same one. Sometimes I write something funny on a T-shirt and give it someone else as a present. I gave one to my best friend. It said, “Nothing to wear, but I don’t care”. She loved it! 2 Sadie: I’ve been making my own clothes for a while now. A few months ago I saw a pair of trousers that looked amazing, but I didn’t have enough pocket money to buy them. So I asked my arts teacher to help me make my own. She drew the trousers I liked, and I used my grandma’s sewing machine to make them. When I went back to the shop, I was wearing my homemade 1 trousers to see which ones I liked better. I have to say that mine looked much cooler! Iman: I bought a T-shirt and a mini skirt in a second-hand shop, but I didn’t like some of the details. I changed the buttons of the skirt and the colour of the T-shirt. Then I cut up some leggings I found in the same shop. I wear them as long fingerless gloves at parties. I think the clothes I changed really show who I am so much more than store-bought clothes! Cole: Young people in the UK have always been creative when expressing themselves through fashion. Punks cut their clothes and use safety pins to pierce their ears. Goths love wearing black clothes. Kids who are into grunge wear shirts their dads don’t want anymore. My dad has lots of those, and I’ve started wearing them. You don’t need that much money; you need good ideas! 1 homemade – selbst gemacht 3.14 nr9t45 l m n I can understand short statements and a recording when people speak slowly and clearly, e.g. about expressing yourself through fashion. 55 Express yourself 9 Unit fifty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv