Prime Time 4, Workbook

Wallflower power Reading and language in use: A personal letter a) Order the paragraphs of Jacob’s letter. b) Read the letter again and decide where the missing sentence parts should go. You yourself said once that 2 you’ll have to decide that yourself How should I present myself She’s told me herself that have pierced themselves to express himself I myself couldn’t say that about introducing myself c) Read the sentence parts in b) again. Use different colours to highlight reflexive and emphatic pronouns. 5 I’m really enjoying spending time with these two, but the most amazing person in my new class is probably Patrick. He writes poems. Can you believe that? He says poetry helps him 4 . Although I’m looking forward to our class poetry slam and Patrick’s performance, I’m also a little worried. 5 on the slam stage? And I keep asking myself this other question: am I cool enough to be in this class? 5 The second thing I’m worried about is how I should dress. Of course, I don’t want to change, but what if the others don’t find me interesting? Some kids are into fashion; they read those expensive magazines and talk about things like the Met Gala and high fashion all the time. Please don’t stop writing your letters! 1 writing is a great form of self-expression! But, of course, 2 . Your worried, “wallflowery” friend Dear friend, I hope everything is good with you. To be honest, 3 about the first days in my new class. However, there is this one girl, Mary Elizabeth, who doesn’t care about the latest trends in the magazines. She even designs and sews her clothes herself. 6 she likes being different. Then there’s Charlie, who records mix tapes. First of all, I don’t know anybody in my new class. There are little groups of people and I was so shy 7 . For example, there is this clique of goths who always dress in black. Then there are some punks. Can you believe that some of them 8 – with safety pins!? 53 9 Unit Express yourself fifty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv