Prime Time 4, Workbook

All you need is rhythm and beat Language in use: Do it yourself – help each other Read the four dialogues and fill in “each other” or a fitting reflexive pronoun. 1 volunteering – Freiwiligenarbeit Language in use and listening: “Make your own monster” a) Read the second part of “Make your own monster” and fill in the missing words. When 1 making this recipe, make sure that you always 2 yourself first 3 , put the natural disasters in a very large pan 4 , add the cheap flights and wait till it’s hot Then season with money and power And add the slices of endangered species – careful, don’t cut 5 ! Now pour some fish juice into the pan Put in the garbage and cook 6 lightly golden Then add ten litres of water – make 7 you don’t save it Simmer forever 8 until the garbage is soft 9 , season with plastic, the more the 10 . b) Now listen and check. 3 A: Nick and Susie are so lovely. They always paint 3 ’s nails. B: Black, right? A: What else? A: Have you seen Viv’s photograph of 6 with the safety pin? B: Yes? A: Well, she and Jonnie have pierced 7 . I think Viv did Jonnie’s first. A: I’ve found a cool online forum where people post tips and help 4 . B: That sounds good. Are there tips on how to decorate one’s room? I wouldn’t call 5 a decorating expert, but I really want to try and make my room look good. A: There are posts on almost anything. A: For me, volunteering 1 is about not always putting yourself/oneself 1 first. B: Oh, yes. I think it has really helped me to see that not all people have a full fridge at home and are able to help 2 to whatever snack they want. 4 3.12 7t6k5t 52 9 Unit Express yourself fifty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv