Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Try to work with colours. Your brain can remember vocabulary more easily if you categorise them; for example, in word categories such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, …) or maybe by topic (e.g. grocery). T food food waste shopping local food consumption production … GROCERY English Example sentence German sustainability !sEsteInE*bIlEti? Our company is committed to environmental sustainability . Nachhaltigkeit (die) 1 sustainable !sE*steInEbl? Living a sustainable life is easier than you think. nachhaltig 2 vegetarian !vedZE*teErIEn? How often do you eat vegetarian food? vegetarisch (shopping) mall !*SOpIN mC"l? How often do you go to big shopping malls ? Einkaufszentrum (das) 3 effect !I*fekt? Our food choices have an effect on the environment. Auswirkung (die) atmosphere !xtmEsfIE? The gas is sent into the atmosphere . Atmosphäre (die) consumption !kEn*s0mpSn? The consumption of energy has increased. Verbrauch (der) equality !I*kwOlEti? In many countries there is no equality yet. Gleichberechtigung (die), Gleichheit (die) emissions !i*mISn? They are responsible for around 22% of all greenhouse gas emissions . hier: Emission (die) impact !*Impxkt? Food production has a huge impact on the environment. Auswirkung (die) production !prE*d0kSn? Read the text about sustainable production . Produktion (die) global challenges !glEUbl *tSxlIndZEz? The plan includes 16 goals which address global challenges . weltweite Heraus- forderungen (die) poverty !*pOvEti? This decision could lead to mass poverty . Armut (die) inequality !InI*kwOlEti? Women still face many inequalities in their daily lives. Ungleichheit (die) agriculture !*xgrIk0ltSE? Food production has a huge impact in agriculture . Landwirtschaft (die) eating habits !*i"tIN hxbIt? We influence the environment with our eating habits . Essgewohnheiten (die) energy !*enEdZi? We should reduce our energy consumption. Energie (die) 4 subject !*s0bdZekt? The object becomes the subject of the passive sentence. Subjekt (das) 5 tourism !*tUErIzm? Nature has affected by tourism . Tourismus (der) 7 railway line !*reIlweI laIn? They opened a railway line between St. Moritz and Tirano. Bahnstrecke (die) existence !Ig*zIstns? In the first years of its existence , the company did well. Bestehen (das) 8 (city) gardening !*sIti gA"dnIN? I’m a great fan of city gardening . Gärtnern (das) (in der Stadt) grocery !*grEUsri? Try to buy your groceries locally. Lebensmittel (die) food waste !*fu"d weIst? Food waste makes up about 1/3 of household waste. Lebensmittelabfälle (die) second-hand !seknd*hxnd? I’m a great fan of second-hand shopping. gebraucht, secondhand 9 inspiration !InspI*reISn? Use the keywords as an inspiration . Inspiration (die) 10 environmental footprint !InvaIrn*mentl fUtprInt? Every product has got its environmental footprint . ökologischer Fußabdruck (der) reusable bag !rI*ju"zEbl *bxg? Use reusable bags when going to the shops. wiederverwendbare Tasche (die) 50 8 Unit Sustainability fifty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv