Prime Time 4, Workbook

Talking about wanderlust Ally’s journey to New Zealand Complete Ally’s chat with her friend Rachel and fill in the missing questions. There are two questions you do not need. 4 Allybally (10:03 p.m.) Hi Rachel, are you there …? Allybally (10:17 p.m.) Well, just on the other side of the planet. It took me a while to get here … Allybally (10:20 p.m.) The journey here was a disaster! 3 about that terrible storm? Because of that our flight was delayed for 5 hours, and then we missed our next flight in Australia … Allybally (10:23 p.m.) Well I thought I could never sleep on an airplane, but it only took me half an hour to fall asleep That’s how tired I was … Allybally (10:27 p.m.) It was fantastic! Although we all had jetlag 2 , we were so excited … the landscape is so great here … 6 when everything seems to feel very clear and bright? Allybally (10:32 p.m.) We will go to Wellington (the capital) and from there to our first WWOOFing farm near Nelson. Wish me luck with the farm work. rAchel (10:15 p.m.) Ally!! Finally!! Where have you been 1 ? rAchel (10:18 p.m.) Why? 2 ? rAchel (10:22 p.m.) Oh no, poor you! 4 any sleep at all? rAchel (10:30 p.m.) Hmm, not sure if I do … but it makes me want to go there too 7 next? rAchel (10:33 p.m.) 8 me posted? rAchel (10:35 p.m.) Ally?? rAchel (10:25 p.m.) No movies then? What a shame 1 5 then, the arrival in New Zealand? 1 what a shame – wie schade 2 jetlag – Müdigkeit aufgrund von Zeitunterschieden Did you get Do you know that feeling Where were you yesterday Where will you go Will you keep Where have you been What happened What did you do first What was it like Did you hear 5 1 Unit Going abroad five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv