Prime Time 4, Workbook

Sustainable travel Language in use: A postcard from Switzerland a) Read the postcard and complete it with the passive voice phrases from below. There is one too many. GRAUBÜNDEN 3 Dear Hector, I’m riding the Bernina Express in Switzerland at the moment. I know, the trip … 1 some time ago, but I thought now is the perfect time. This rail line … 2 around 1900 and … 3 ever since. Travelling from Switzerland to Italy gives amazing views. You can check it out online because the line … 4 and … 5 on Google street view . Every year lots of tourists ride the Bernina Express, as it … 6 even more in the last few years. I think it’s great because travelling by train means travelling in a more sustainable way. I think people … 7 on this topic way more. So, see you soon again. I have to enjoy the landscape Your friend, Joel TO: Hector Johnson 74 Oak Drive Brenson OK1F 7PL UK was built was photographed has been written has been operated 1 had been planned was put should be informed has been advertised b) Read Joel’s postcard again and tick the sentences that are true. 1. Joel writes a postcard to his friend who lives in the United Kingdom.  2. Joel describes his adventures when flying to Switzerland. 3. The writer tells his experiences on a tram journey. 4. In his postcard Joel says that his journey started out in Switzerland. 5. According to Joel, travelling by train is part of a sustainable way of life. 6. Joel is fascinated by the views and the landscape he sees. 46 8 Unit Sustainability forty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv