Prime Time 4, Workbook

Making this world a better place Reading: How to consume in a sustainable way a) Read the teenagers’ tips on how to consume sustainably. Draw lines. b) Your turn: What do you do to live sustainably? Write down one thing. Vocabulary work Read the definitions below and find the correct vocabulary (look at the text on page 64 in your coursebook). 1. an effect that something has = 2. the amount of heat, gas, etc. which is sent out to the atmosphere = 3. a situation in which there is no fairness and equality = 4. the amount of something used or eaten = 5. behaviour which causes little/no damage to the environment = 1 Jake: We should all act responsibly with our planet’s resources. Thinking about what we use and how we use it has a huge impact on our planet. If you want to live a sustainable life, act carefully. Wendy: Every single product we buy affects our environment. Producing and consuming cheap products often means injustice to people in other countries. Think about your consumption and ask yourself if you really need this or that product. Tim: Changing your driving habits can dramatically reduce your emissions. Use public transportation whenever possible or even better: try to walk and bike or use your scooter when going to school. Carla: I think farmers should use less chemicals, and we as consumers should buy locally and buy less. We don’t need to have everything all the time. Sometimes “less is more” and even better quality. 1. 2. 3. 4. Doing better with less Think twice before shopping Be careful with our resources Drive less and drive green 2 45 Unit 8 Sustainability forty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv