Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Play with words. Play Scrabble, Boggle, and do crossword puzzles. These and other word games are also available for the computer or your smartphone. T English Example sentence German 1 to receive !rI*si"v? You received a message from a school friend. erhalten, bekommen straight away !streIt E*weI? Send the phone number straight away . sofort, gleich to check !tSek? with sb. Check with the other person first. bei jmdm. nachfragen to sign up !saIn *0p? for sth. I signed up for a new online game. sich bei etw. anmelden form !fC"m? The form asks you to submit your full name. Formular (das) rude !ru"d? He made a rude comment about a friend. unhöflich, unfreundlich to stand up !stxnd *0p? for sb. Do you stand up for your friend? sich für jmdn. einsetzen to reply !rI*plaI? to sth. Reply to the message immediately. etw. beantworten to teach sb. a lesson !*lesn? We should teach them a lesson . jmdm. eine Lehre erteilen to hand !hxnd? sth. over to sb. Hand the phone back to your dad. jmdm. etw. reichen to agree !Egri"? Don’t share it if you don’t both agree . sich einig sein/werden to convince !kEn*vIns? sb. I convinced my friend to post the photo. jmdn. überzeugen 2 to surf !s3"f? the internet When I surf the internet , I always see ads. im Internet surfen to place !pleIs? sth. somewhere They place little files on your device. etw. irgendwohin setzen/ stellen/legen to support !sE*pC"t? a team Some of my friends support Liverpool. ein Team unterstützen search engine !*s3"tS endZIn? Always use your favourite search engine . Suchmaschine (die) 4 data protection !*deItE prEtekSn? Data protection is important to our company. Datenschutz (der) personal data !p3"snl *deItE? We show you how to secure your personal data . persönliche Daten (die) relationship !rI*leISnSIp? I want to keep my relationships private. Beziehung (die) thanks !TxNks? to sth. Thanks to this, people are very well informed about data protection. dank, wegen 5 to take action !teIk *xkSn? If something bad happens, take action to stop it. handeln, etw. unternehmen settings !*setINz? You can change the privacy settings here. Einstellungen (die) to back up !*bxk 0p? sth. Backing up your data will keep it safe. etw. sichern the cloud !klaUd? Store a copy of your data on the cloud . Cloud (die) a number of !E *n0mbEr Ev? There are a number of criminal apps trying to steal your data. etliche 6 hate comment !*heIt kOment? Has he ever seen hate comments on social media? Hasskommentar (der) 7 violent language !vaIElEnt *lxNgwIdZ? You mustn’t use violent language against someone else. gewalttätige Ausdruckweise (die) 8 at all !Et *C"l? Why has the boy posted the comment at all ? überhaupt 9 hate speech !*heIt spi"tS? Ignore people who use hate speech . Hassrede (die), Hetzrede (die) to fight !faIt? sth. It’s very difficult to fight hate speech. etw. bekämpfen role model !*rEUl mOdl? They learned this behaviour from their role models . Vorbild (das) online identity !onlaIn aI*dentEti? It’s easy to hide behind an online identity . Online-Identität (die) 44 7 Unit Play IT safe forty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum de Verlags öbv