Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Listening: The safest password a) Listen to part of a radio show with tips and tricks on safe passwords. b) Answer the questions below. 1. What does Kerry’s project “Play IT safe”?  help people to stay safe online recommend new compute games teach people to become programmers 2. Why should you never share your password, not even with close friends? You can share it only with your best friend. You never know what happens to it. It’s not easy to change passwords. 3. How many passwords do you need? one for all your accounts one for school, one for private accounts a different password for each account 4. Which of these is a “pass phrase”? dMW4I1Cajeyx MyMoml0vesRock24H0ursADay Pumpkin 5. What does the expert say about password managers? He recommends using them. He wouldn’t use them himself. He has developed his own password manager. Focus on form: Using modal verbs Complete the sentences using modal verbs. More than one might be correct. 1. You should start being on time if you don’t want to lose your job. 2. Why don’t you ask Robert? He know Susan’s telephone number. 3. I use your phone? My battery’s dead. 4. You play outdoors today. It’s raining cats and dogs 1 . 5. It’s just after ten o’clock. He have gone home by now. 6. No, dear, you invite more than ten friends to your birthday party. 7. Sandra improve her language skills. 7 3.10 6732m3 l m n I can understand a conversation about a familiar topic. 8 l m n I can give recommendations, express possibilities and permissions. 1 It’s raining cats and dogs. – Es regnet sehr heftig. 43 Play IT safe 7 Unit forty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv