Prime Time 4, Workbook

Civil courage online Focus on form: Using modal verbs Read the social media rules below and complete them with various modal verbs. There might not be only one correct solution. 1 request – Anfrage 2 to pop up – plötzlich auftauchen Writing: A blog post Go back to the picture story you’ve written about how a boy from Nigeria is bullied online. Write a short blog post about the situation. In your post, you should … • describe what happened to the boy, • use reported speech to report what someone said, • suggest what people should do to fight online bullying. Usman from my school was attacked by cyber bullies. One day, when he was walking home, he was followed by two boys from another class. The other day Usman told us that he had been very frightened when the boys had started making fun of his clothes … 4 Social Media Rules You should 1 remember that whatever you post online stays there forever. You 2 change your privacy settings, so that only your friends can see what you post and upload. You 3 share any personal information online. You 4 always use a strong password that is hard to crack. You 5 tell anyone your password. You 6 change your password regularly. You 7 never forget to log out before leaving a computer. You 8 accept friendship requests 1 by people you don’t know. You 9 trust strangers you meet online. You 10 use antivirus programmes or firewall software. You 11 click on every banner commercial that pops up 2 . 5 41 7 Unit Play IT safe forty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv