Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Sometimes you can’t remember the one or the other word, no problem! Take a sticky note and write the word(s) down. Then put these sticky notes somewhere you often go to (e.g. WC, living room, etc.). T eco-friendly English Example sentence German 1 eco-friendly !*i"kEUfrendli? I’m trying to travel in an eco-friendly way. umweltfreundlich 2 to deal !di"l? with sth. Blogs deal with all kinds of topics. etw. behandeln content !*kOntent? Blogs can include a great variety of content . Inhalt (der) heading !*hedIN? A blog post can include elements such as texts, videos, pictures or headings . Überschrift (die) successful !sEk*sesfl? What should a successful blogger do? erfolgreich focus !*fEUkEs? Find your focus and your interests. Fokus (der), Blickpunkt (der) social networking !*netw3"kIN? site Post to social networking sites . soziales Online-Netzwerk 3 aspect !*xspekt? A paragraph deals with one aspect . Aspekt (der), Gesichtspunkt (der) 4 layout !*leIaUt? You can change your whole layout with just a few clicks. Layout (das) blog hosting !*blOg hEUstIN? For your blog, you need blog hosting . Blog-Hosting (das) blog host !*blOg hEUst? The blog host stores all the files for your blog. Blogbetreiber (der) to type !taIp? in sth. To find your blog, they type in your blog name. etw. eintippen to publish !*p0blIS? sth. Write and publish your first post. etw. veröffentlichen 5 social skills !sEUSl skIlz? Team activities help you develop your social skills . soziale Kompetenzen ICT skills !aIsi"*ti" skIlz? You don’t need special ICT skills to create a blog. IuK-Kompetenzen classroom community !*klA"sru"m kEmju"nEti? Class projects build classroom community . Klassengemeinschaft (die) virtual !*v3"tSUEl? Blogs can keep your virtual world well organised. virtuell 6 to feature !*fi"tSE? sth. A vlog is a blog which features video content. etw. zeigen, etw. beinhalten to focus !*fEUkEs? on sth. Gaming focuses on a person playing a game. sich auf etw. konzentrieren 7 self-made !self*meId? These teenagers are self-made superstars. selbstgeschaffen brand !brxnd? Big brands want to advertise with influencers. Marke (die) to realise !*rIElaIz? sth. They have realised the importance of advertising with influencers. sich einer Sache bewusst werden celebrity !sE*lebrEti? Digital influencers continue to replace traditional celebrities . Berühmtheit (die), Star (der) 8 to make money (from sth.) Most YouTube stars make money from online advertisements. (mit etw.) Geld verdienen consumer !kEn*su"mE? With them, you know what you get as a consumer . Konsument (der), Konsumentin (die) 38 6 Unit Blogs thirty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv