Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Reading: Teenage blogging is a good thing, a study says a) Read the article below. 1 study – Studie 2 involved – hier: beteiligt 3 relationship – Beziehung 4 risky behaviour – Risikoverhalten 5 doing drugs – Drogen nehmen b) Read the article again and tick the statements that are true. 1. The article is about teenagers and their blog post on a website.  2. The scientists looked at about 1,000 teenage bloggers from the USA. 3. Most of the teenagers in this study use blogs in a positive way. 4. According to the study, blogs could be used as a form of therapy. 5. Lots of bloggers describe negative behaviour such as smoking or drinking. 6. Blogging online can be way of expressing yourself in a creative way. c) Complete each statements below with one word from the text. 1. Blogging can be a helpful way to express yourself and to find your own voice . 2. Most teenagers blog about positive such as studying. 3. Nowadays there are many social platforms where teenagers blog. 8 l m n I can understand a text about a familiar topic and find detailed information. (Abridged from: ) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Teenagers and blogging A study 1 shows the positive effect of teenage blogging. Most of the teenagers involved 2 in this study used the blogs to work on relationships 3 with other teenagers and feel like a group. The scientists at the Ohio State University studied 100 teen bloggers from around the USA. It was an absolutely positive finding that blogs were used in a positive way. In fact, the study suggests that blogging could be used as a form of therapy to help teens with personal problems. They could learn how to express themselves in positive ways and finding their own voice. The researchers looked at blog posts from the website Xanga (“Zanga”) for a month, to find out whether teens blogged about risky behaviours 4 , or negative topic such as missing lessons, or doing drugs 5 . The findings, however, showed quite the opposite. Most teenagers taking part in the study blogged about positive behaviours, such as studying, partici- pating in school activities, spending time with family, and doing their free time activities. They showed a lot of creative expression by writing poetry and songs. The blog data in this study came from 2007. Xanga is less popular with teens nowadays, as most of them are “micro-blogging” their activities on other social media platforms. 37 Blogs 6 Unit thirty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv