Prime Time 4, Workbook

Ally’s world of blogs Reading: Paragraphs in a text a) Read Ally’s blog post and use the keywords from the green box to label the paragraphs. 1 conclusion • content point 1 • content point 2 • content point 3 • introduction It’s simply amazing how many cool and interesting blogs you can find out there. All of them are special in their own way, and that is what blogging is all about: showing that you and your skills are special. conclusion I’m back again and today let’s look at some famous teenage bloggers. We’ve all realised by now that it is the digital age. Kids are learning how to use technology at younger ages, and some of them start their blogging careers well before they are allowed to vote. Check out the blogs of these kids under the age of 18. First of all, let’s check out my favourite blogger. It’s Spencer Tweedy . He’s a musician, writer, photographer, and of course a blogger. Spencer Tweedy is just as well known for his many crazy short films as his blog. He tells about his life in high school, his family, and all the other moments that make life fun through his words and pictures. Last but not least, it’s all about food. The blog Jeremy Cooks is written by Jeremy, an 18-year-old high school student from Florida who is a lot more than a chef 1 . His great website offers tutorials 2 and so called “cookisodes” teaching viewers how to prepare 3 more than just a sandwich. Started in 2009, Jeremy’s blog includes reviews as well as recipes, tips and interviews with top chefs. This teen food blogger’s motto is, “keep on cooking.” Another cool blogger is Emma. In her blog The Emma Edition she shares her favourite NYC spots, cool fashion and just about any food destination through detailed writing and photographs, all of which she takes on her own. The Emma Edition was formerly 4 called Gotham Hipster and began in February of 2009. She has a great sense of humour and doesn’t take blogging too seriously. 1 chef – Koch 2 tutorial – Selbstlerneinheit 3 to prepare – hier: zubereiten 4 formerly – früher/einst b) Read the blog post again and say which one of the blogs you would like to read. Write 2 to 3 sentences in your exercise book. 33 Unit 6 Blogs thirty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv