Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: To practise word forms you can colour code the vocabulary list (or flash cards), with one colour each for nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. T English Example sentence German 2 invention !In*venSn? The world changed after the invention of television. Erfindung (die) television set !*telIvIZn set? The first real television set wasn’t built until the 1900s. Fernsehgerät (das) to be associated !E*sEUsieItId? with Five men are associated with the invention of TV. mit etw. in Zusammenhang stehen wire !*waIE? Paul Nipkow was able to send pictures over wire . Draht (der), Leitung (die) mechanical !mE*kxnIkl? Charles Jenkins invented a mechanical television. mechanisch electronic device !elektrOnik dI*vaIs? Television systems are electronic devices . elektronisches Gerät (das) widely available !waIdli E*veIlbl? In the 1950s colour TVs became widely available . weitgehend verfügbar household item !haUshEUld *aItEm? The television became a popular household item . Haushaltsgegenstand (der) 3 recording device/machine The next step in development was a recording device . Aufnahmegerät (das) latest !leItIst? The latest inventions in television is the change to streaming services. letzte, neueste streaming service !*stri"mInG s3"vIs? People now choose streaming services such as Netflix or YouTube . Streaming-Dienst (der) 4 misunderstanding !mIs0ndE*stxndIN? He believed that there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings . Missverständnis to connect !kE*nekt? sb. He thought that television would connect mankind. jmdn. miteinander verbinden prediction !prI*dIkSn? His predictions didn’t come true. Vorhersage (die) 5 to broadcast – broadcast – broadcast !*brC"dkA"st? sth. A special children’s programme was broadcast on Sundays. etw. ausstrahlen, etw. senden totally !*tEUtli? For me it was totally different. völlig, total 6 the news !nju"z? (= singular) We used to watch the news on television. die Nachrichten 8 habit !*hxbIt? There have been great changes in watching habits . Gewohnheit (die) no longer !nEU *lOnGE? People no longer sit in front of the TV set. nicht mehr old-fashioned !EUld *fxSnd? TV sets are quite old-fashioned now. altmodisch viewer !vju"E? Viewers watch TV on their own more and more. Zuschauer (der), Zuschauerin (die) frequently !*fri"kwntli? They use streaming services more frequently than ever before. häufig cable TV !*keIbl ti"vi"? I don’t have cable TV in my house. Kabelfernsehen (das) to stream !stri"m? sth. I stream TV shows on my computer. etw. streamen 9 rarely !*reEli? We rarely watch TV together. selten majority !mE*dZOrEti? The majority of US teenagers prefer streaming services to live TV. Mehrheit (die) 10 minority !maI*nOrEti? The minority of students owns a TV set. Minderheit (die) 32 5 Unit Television and streaming thirty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv