Prime Time 4, Workbook

Focus on form: Reported speech  CB, p. 25–27 Read the statements from the interview with Dr Rayburn and put them into reported speech. 1. The biggest change, in my opinion, is the change from live TV to using other forms of TV. Dr Rayburn said that the biggest change, in his opinion, was the change from live TV to other forms of TV. 2. People no longer sit in front of the old-fashioned TV set in their living room. 3. Instead of watching a programme together, people watch on their own more and more. 4. Also, people don’t want to wait around for their favourite programme anymore. 5. People choose streaming sites, such as Netflix or YouTube more frequently. 6. Today I mostly stream TV shows on my computer or tablet. Focus on form: Reporting what a survey said Read the report of a survey about daily TV time of Austrian teenagers and complete the text with the correct tenses of the words. A recent survey in a teen magazine asked Austrian teenagers about the amount of their daily TV time. The overwhelming 1 majority of the teenagers said that they watched 1 (watch) TV for approximately 1–2 hours a day. 19% admitted 2 that they 2 (spend) more than 2 hours every day in front of the screen, whereas 21% of teenagers said that their daily TV time 3 (be) less than 1 hour. A quite surprising result was that 15% of teens asked said that they 4 (do not watch) any TV at all. 1 overwhelming – überwältigend 2 to admit – zugeben 6 7 more than 2 hours Daily TV time of Austrian teenagers 1-2 hours less than 1 hour none at all 19% 15% 45% 21% 30 Revision thirty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv