Prime Time 4, Workbook

Let the journey begin Travel vocabulary a) Unscramble the travel vocabulary. Use page 8 in your coursebook if you need help. A B C sreupdaert departures mja crfafit orpaltmf D E F yrialwa tinosat rkutn ryrfe G H I burrhao gulgaeg ivarlsar b) Ian and Sofie are talking about their school trip to France. Use some of the words from above to complete the dialogue below. Ian: Hi Sofie! Have you already packed all your 1 for tomorrow? Sofie: Of course! I’m always a bit nervous before a journey … Ian: Why? What could possibly go wrong? Sofie: Well, on the way to the airport we could get stuck 1 in a 2 , and then I’d miss the flight! Ian: Hm, take the train then! Sofie: Are you crazy? Even more could happen on our way to the 3 ! And then if I don’t find the right 4 , I’ll miss the train and then, of course, I’ll miss … Ian: Okay, okay, wait, wait! Just order 2 an airport taxi then! Sofie: I suppose, that’s the best option … (thinks) Ian: Just make sure your luggage is really in the 5 ! (laughs) Sofie: What!?! 1 1 to get stuck – stecken bleiben 2 to order – rufen, bestellen 3 Unit 1 Going abroad three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv