Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Focus on meaning Use one colour to highlight words for sports and another colour to highlight words for people. T English Example sentence German limit !*lImIt? You have to know your own limits . Grenze (die), Limit (das) 1 speed !spi"d? Do you like speed ? (hohe) Geschwindigkeit (die) extreme sports !ik*stri"m spC"ts? What you know about extreme sports ? Extremsport (der) aggressive in-line skating !EgresIv InlaIn *skeItIN? Agressive in-line skating can be dangerous. Freestyle-Skating (das), Aggressive-Skating (das) bungee jumping !*b0ndZi" dZ0mpIN? Have you ever gone bungee jumping ? Bungeejumping (das) ad (advertisement) !xd? Listen to the radio ad . Werbung (die), Werbespot (der) 2 this way !*DIs weI? Adrenaline junkies: this way ! hier entlang beginner !bI*gInE? The half-pipe is not recommended for beginners ! Anfänger (der), Anfängerin (die) avalanche area !*xvElA"ntS eErIE? We mustn’t ski there – it’s an avalanche area. Lawinengebiet (das) skater !*skeItE? What should skaters do first? hier: Rollschuhfahrer (der), Rollschuhfahrerin (die) climber !*klaImE? Climbers need to have the right shoes. Kletterer (der), Kletterin (die) snowboarder !*snEUbC"dE? This sign is for snowboarders . Snowboarder (der), Snowboarderin (die) to warn !wC"n? sb. Signs warn snowboarders about avalanches. jmdn. warnen to skate !skeIt? Do not to skate on the half-pipe. Rollschuh fahren suggestion !sE*dZestSn? May I make a suggestion ? Vorschlag (der) 3 boss !bOs? The writer is Joshua’s boss . Chef (der), Chefin (die) 4 stressed !strest? She asks Joshua if he’s stressed . gestresst 5 college professor !kOlIdZ prE*fesE? My neighbour is a college professor . Universitätsprofessor (der), Universitätsprofessorin (die) sports teacher !*spC"ts ti"tSE? We have a new sports teacher . Sportlehrer (der), Sportlehrerin (die) historian !hI*stC"rIEn? We have asked a historian about it. Historiker (der), Historikerin (die) ancient culture !eInSnt *k0ltSE? What do you know about ancient cultures ? antike Kultur (die) 6 instead !In*sted? Do you want to try healthy snacks instead ? stattdessen stress !stres? Find out how stress can change your life. Stress (der) 7 infographic !InfEu*grxfIk? Fill in the gaps in the infographic . Informationsgrafik (die) 8 lion !*laIEn? Watch the lions on a safari in Africa. Löwe (der) Africa !*xfrIkE? Have you ever been to Africa ? Afrika (das) tiger !taIgE? We want to look for tigers in India. Tiger (der) yoga !jEUgE? Forget about all the stress with our yoga workshop. Yoga (das) 9 camp !kxmp? How do you like the camp ? Camp (das), (Zelt)lager (das) 26 4 Unit Going to the limit twenty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv