Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Listening and reading: Xcellent RelaXation a) Listen to Joshua talking to Hannah, his Xcellent RelaXation camp guide. Tick what is true. Hannah teaches yoga Joshua hates his job Hannah and Joshua haven’t met before b) Listen again and circle the correct words in the report Hannah wrote. First, I asked Joshua if • why he had needed • needed a break from his working life and after he had told me about his eating problems, I asked when • why he had started • would start to eat too much. He talked about his job and I wanted to know if • why he was • wasn’t still happy in it. He seemed ready to change his life, so I asked if • whether he had had • had any questions about the camp. Joshua then asked when • if he will be • was allowed to use his phone. Of course, I didn’t allow • told him to check his phone. After I had advised • allowed him to stay offline for a while, he wanted to know where • when his first workshop would start • started . Joshua also promised • asked me to follow the camp’s rules. c) Read Hannah’s note to Joshua. Cross out the words that shouldn’t be in the text. Reading: Say no to FOMO! Fill in the gaps. For each gap, use a word that is used somewhere else in the text. In 2017, schools in the UK started to teach lessons in dealing with online stress and FOMO (fear of missing out 1 ). These 1 were started after it had been found out that three pupils in each class was under 2 because of social media. Lots of children reach their limits when they feel they need to answer each message immediately 2 and should be 3 all the time. The organisation Public Health England said that the programme should help teach 4 how to stay healthy. Spending too much time on social 5 can make children unhappy because they don’t spend enough 6 being active anymore. 7 3.6 ph7p36 l m n I can understand a recording of a conversation and work on short texts about it. Dear hi Joshua, you seem to be exploring the camp limits. Your hot yoga class has been ready cancelled. The teacher, Ina, is sick. You asked earlier if you could call use my phone. I’ll be in my office between 4 now and 6. Don’t be afraid to come if. But remember you promised asked me not to check your phone offline! Hannah 8 1 to miss out on something: sich etwas entgehen lassen 2 immediately: sofort l m n I can complete an article about recent news. 25 Going to the limit 4 Unit twenty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv