Prime Time 4, Workbook

Vocabulary Tip: Look up words you don’t know. If you have a dictionary programme on your computer, keep it open and handy. Internet services have dictionaries and thesauruses on their tool bars. Find them and look up any word you are not absolutely sure of. T English Example sentence German 1 machine !mE*Si"n? Machines can help us in many ways. Maschine (die) navigation app !nxvI*geISn xp? The navigation app showed us all the traffic jams. Navigationsapp (die) vacuum cleaning robot !*vxkju"m kli"nIN rEUbOt? My parents gave my aunt a vacuum cleaning robot as a wedding present. Staubsaugerroboter (der) brilliant !*brIljEnt? Some of these robots are brilliant . hier: hervorragend dustbin !*d0stbIn? The robot empties its own dustbin . hier: Staubbehälter (der), Mistkübel (der) unbelievable !0nbI*li"vEbl? It’s unbelievable how many intelligent machines there are around nowadays. unglaublich nowadays !*naUEdeIz? Nowadays everybody has a vacuum cleaning robot. heutzutage text message !*tekst mesIdZ? Some phones can answer text messages on their own. Kurznachricht (die), SMS (die) 2 human !*hju"mEn? It’s important for humans to keep those jobs. Mensch (der) robot !*rEUbOt? Robots and machines can have a brain. Roboter (der) artificial intelligence (AI) !artIfISl In*telIdZns? What things is artificial intelligence good at? künstliche Intelligenz (die) piano !pi*xnEU? Are robots able to play the piano ? Klavier (das) patient !*peISnt? Doctors are better at talking to patients . Patient (der), Patientin (die) 5 sensor !*sensE? The robot has sensors that tell it where the walls are. Sensor (der) 6 technology !tek*nOlEdZi? She worked with the technology behind the robots. Technologie (die) computer software !kEm*pju"tE sOftweE? It needed a certain type of computer software . Computersoftware (die) complicated !*kOmplIkeItId? It sounds complicated , but it’s actually quite easy. kompliziert 7 daily life !deIli *laIf? Artificial intelligence can help us in our daily lives . Alltag (der), tägliches Leben (das) popular !*pOpjElE? What are the most popular apps? beliebt position !pE*zISn? Your smartphone always knows your exact position . Standort (der) at the moment !*mEUmEnt? Is this street closed at the moment ? momentan soft toy !*sOft tCI? Kids love a soft toy that really talks to them. Kuscheltier (das) on the one hand, … On the one hand , AI can make our lives easier. einerseits, … on the other hand, … On the other hand , AI can take away people’s jobs. andererseits, … taxi driver !*txksi draIvE? What do taxi drivers do if more and more driverless cars are used as taxis? Taxifahrer (der), Taxifahrerin (die) 8 data !*deItE? AI needs a lot of data to work. Daten (die) to update !*0pdeIt? Update the security settings of your smartphone. aktualisieren 9 fire alarm !*faIEr ElA"m? Can you hear the fire alarm ? Feueralarm (der) to programme !*prEUgrxm? We can programme machines and tell them what to do. programmieren 20 3 Unit Intelligent machines twenty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv